“As an artist, you need to invest in yourself. Get out and do the leg work.”
Name: Eugenius Neutron
Occupation: Musician
Creative Industry: Performing Arts
1. You have a new album coming out in September, is that right?
Yes I do, it’s called Euniversal Understanding. It’s a conceptual album about the idea of traveling throughout the universe and also finding the idea of the universe in you. Universal being something that everybody can relate to whether that be sonically or with the words and messages that I’m saying. It’s about understanding myself as well.
2. Are there any local or national artists that you draw influence from?
As far as on a national level I’m a fan of a lot of current artists like Big K.R.I.T., Lupe Fiasco, Kendrick Lamar, and others. I also pull a lot of influence from early 90s artists like Outkast, Native Tongues, and A Tribe Called Quest. Locally it’s like steel sharpening steel. A lot people I do music with like No Suh Foster and Club AM keep me on my toes. They’ll let me have it on any song at any moment so you got to be ready.
3. Are there any artists that you’re looking forward to seeing at Secret Stages?
I want to see the Club AM set because I haven’t seen them perform in a long time. [Although they aren’t playing at Secret Stages,] I also really want to see Nerves Baddington.
4. How do you think the city can better support local musicians?
There’s always going to be room for improvement. I’m originally from Birmingham, but I just moved back in the last year. From my time in other cities I saw that while some cities may not have a big music market, they have good music business.
As far as musicians go, we have to be a little bit more serious about what we do. Everybody relies on someone, but it’s not done the right way sometimes. Promoters rely on the artists to bring the crowd, the artists rely on the promoter to bring the crowd, but we can all work together to make things better. As an artist, you need to invest in yourself. Get out and do the leg work.
5. Is there a show you’ve played that stands out among the rest?
There are two that always stick with me. I’ve played the Magic City Classic and it was crazy to play outside the stadium. I also played a battle of the bands on campus at Alabama A&M and the crowd went nuts. That was sort of my breakout performance.
6. What’s next for Eugenius Neutron?
Besides playing Secret Stages; I’m hosting a back to school block party where I go pass out backpacks and school supplies in my community. Of course, the new album comes out in September. Other than that I’m just trying to help people out with other projects. So far this year I’ve helped release music by Kenny Lofton, No Suh Foster, and Love Moor.
Photo by ArtIntelMedia.com.
To listen to Eugenius Neutron visit andiameugenius.bandcamp.com.