Welcome to the new virtual home of Create Birmingham, launched October 1, 2015. Whether you’re familiar with our organization and arrived here intentionally or whether you took a wrong turn at the last link in the web-way and are here by accident, I hope you’ll explore the site and find something helpful.
We – the organization and the site – exist to bring business and personal value to the lives of local artists, designers and creative entrepreneurs. Whether the work is commercial or nonprofit, these citizens – and maybe you’re one – are fueling our economy as small-and-growing businesses, building civic spaces, and engaging in important community conversations.
Every city across the U.S. is competing to attract and retain an expansive tribe of creative thinkers and doers. Hence, Create Birmingham. We’re a recruiter, a landing pad, a connector of people and places, a business developer and skills builder, a quarterback whenever possible but always a cheerleader for local talent, and, occasionally, a mental health provider (and seeker, naturally).
If you haven’t already, take the first step and join our creative community by signing up for our weekly post. And once you’ve looked us over, if there are resources or tools you’re aware of but don’t see on the site, please let us know. We’re a work in progress and always will be.
Dream big and keep creating,
Buddy Palmer
President & CEO
Create Birmingham