We’re taking care of our loved ones. That’s not just our immediate families. It’s our work family of 24,000+ people who earn a living in a creative field and now face unprecedented financial challenges. We’re involved in solution and recovery centered conversations locally and nationally to bring resources and strategies for sustainability to the businesses, individuals, and organizations whose talent and passion have, in large part, inspired Birmingham’s resurgence over the last decade.
To that end, we’re asking our small business owners, cultural nonprofit leaders, and working artists to help us understand the right solutions for our community by completing a very brief Needs Survey.
Our Resources section on the website grows daily. Keep tabs on it. Sign up for our weekly newsletter for updates and events. We’re also sharing information through Facebook and Instagram, so join us there. Check out and contribute to #bhmgetscreative for inspiration and connection. More than ever, it feels critically important to assess and remain true to the values that guide us personally and professionally, and those values will lead us to the new solutions each of us can provide for the new problems facing our customers, our audiences, our community. Because, together, we all create Birmingham.