We Create Birmingham: Daniel Grier
"It’s more than sustainability. It’s about adding value to what’s already there."
"It’s more than sustainability. It’s about adding value to what’s already there."
"Expect mic drop moments from this collection of true contenders and inspirational fierce female leaders. Come prepared to be entertained and ready to leave feeling enlightened."
“We believe in the value that a creative culture brings to the Birmingham community — both the tangible value of economic growth and the intangible value of quality of life.”
"We have such a deep, deep storytelling tradition here in the south. That’s part of what we are known for nationally and internationally in terms of literature. But we haven’t had a major presence in the film industry and are so often poorly illustrated in mainstream media. I really saw this as a powerful way to add this region’s voices to the chorus to help understand what life is like in America."
"I am a product of my community, my parents, and my upbringing. That is where my inspiration and drive come from. I know what my life might look like if I stay on a traditional path. I could go to college and pursue a more traditional career. I could go to work after graduating and work my way up in someone else’s company. But I want more than that. I want to create something for myself, and I know that I can."