We Create Birmingham: Jorge Castro
"Your passion needs to reach beyond the food. It has to be about the people who come to eat here and make memories here. It’s all about the people."
"Your passion needs to reach beyond the food. It has to be about the people who come to eat here and make memories here. It’s all about the people."
"People connect over a meal. Food brings people together, and food is tied to your memories and what comforts you... As a chef, that's easy to see and understand. We know what goes into each slice of bread, the life cycle of every ingredient that made it on to a plate, and what it's like to work 12 hours for something that's gone in five minutes but hopefully creates this moment of happiness."
"I was just a kid and didn’t know what my career would be, but in hindsight, [my summers around Pawley's Island] was teaching me how to be a chef — how to think about where food comes from, the hope of that food — gathering it, cooking it, and sitting at a table with my family to eat it."