We Create Birmingham: Edina Shrestha
"My design is inspired by my culture. We are deeply spiritual people, and I can see myself in every customer."
"My design is inspired by my culture. We are deeply spiritual people, and I can see myself in every customer."
"There is a lot of work to be done in how society views Latinx women. On average, we are the lowest paid minority women. People box us into the roles of housekeeper or cook. I asked myself, “Could I do what I do without bringing my ethnicity into it?” The answer is yes, but I want to be a part of changing that mindset. I’m a Mexican fashion designer."
"I believed in my artistic ability but, as an introvert, I didn't feel confident going out and networking. CO.STARTERS gave me the tools to learn how to market myself and a network of like-minded people to advise and support me. "