CARES ACT Includes Critical Support for the Creative Economy

Last week, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES ACT), was signed into law. The $2 trillion emergency stimulus package includes direct support for both nonprofit cultural organizations and state and local arts and humanities agencies, as well as economic relief provisions for independent contractors, "gig economy" workers and artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses working in the creative economy. The nation's arts and culture industry is experiencing devastating economic losses with closed venues and…

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Read more about the article I Create Birmingham: Chris Hastings
Photo by: Ambre Amari

I Create Birmingham: Chris Hastings

"I was just a kid and didn’t know what my career would be, but in hindsight, [my summers around Pawley's Island] was teaching me how to be a chef — how to think about where food comes from, the hope of that food — gathering it, cooking it, and sitting at a table with my family to eat it."

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Dads Create Birmingham

Father knows best, as the saying goes. Your dad taught you how to ride a bike and how to execute the perfect cannonball. He taught you how to drive and stayed up late to help you finish your school project. He encouraged you to stick up for yourself but was always there with a shoulder to cry on. This week, in honor of Father's Day, we asked some of Birmingham's creative dads how they would…

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