The following list of local and regional resources includes professional associations, networking entities, nonprofits, and collectives that support specific creative industry sub-sectors, as well as agencies that provide funding or other tangible resources to individuals and enterprises within the creative industries.
American Institute of Graphic Arts-Birmingham
The Birmingham chapter of the oldest and largest professional membership organization for designers advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage and vital cultural force, with a website that features area members, events and job postings.
American Advertising Federation-Birmingham
AAF Birmingham strives to maintain a strong network, through industry knowledge and education, creative recognition, and opportunities for idea exchange, for both the businesses and individuals who make up advertising in the Birmingham area.
Birmingham Bloggers
Birmingham Bloggers strives to connect bloggers and writers in the Birmingham metro area; foster positive dialogue about the Birmingham metro area; and provide a “home base” for bloggers in Alabama without a support group.
Birmingham Originals
The Birmingham Originals believes an energized and independent restaurant community makes our city a better place to live —and not just because of the food. The dollars spent in local restaurants stay in Birmingham, providing economic growth.
CreativeMornings meets one Friday a month and provides a welcoming venue, breakfast, coffee, and an inspirational talk from innovators and creatives in the Birmingham region.
Dance Across Birmingham/Alabama Dance Exchange
By incorporating social networking features, the Alabama Dance Exchange is a truly interactive experience for dance companies, dance artists, young artists/students, dance educators, and dance resource providers.
D.I.Y. Birmingham
D.I.Y. Birmingham is a source for underground music and do-it-yourself activities in Birmingham that includes an event calendar and a venue directory.
Forge is a coworking space for solo entrepreneurs and small businesses located on the mezzanine level of The Pizitz that offers space, a networking community, and shared resources.
Greater Birmingham Arts Education Collaborative
The Collaborative works to increase student access to high quality arts education through the Birmingham area through their Collaborating Schools and Professional Development programs.
MAKEbhm is an open, membership-based space that facilitates creativity and the development of creative enterprises though facilities, resources, and education. People of all skill levels are able to engage design and craft at their own comfort levels and learn from one another in a supportive community of makers.
PaperWorkers Local
PaperWorkers Local is a community printmaking facility that provides studio space and workshops, access to equipment and an opportunity to connect with like-minded people for Birmingham artists interested in printmaking.
Practice Works
Practice Works provides a holistic approach to work and health providing a vibrant space where therapists and their clients can connect, grow and thrive.
Red Mountain Makers
Red Mountain Makers engages in scientific and artistic research, experimentation, and education. They provide a workspace and a collaborative and supportive community of peer and project-based education related to technology and artistic expression.
REV Birmingham
REV is an economic development organization that stimulates business growth and improves quality of life in Birmingham’s City Center and its Neighborhood Commercial Centers.
See Jane Write
See Jane Write is dedicated to empowering women writers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. They host networking events and offer workshops and panel discussions on topics such as blogging, social media, publishing, and freelancing.
Sidewalk Film Festival Salon
Sidewalk Film Festival’s Salon is a free monthly networking and educational event held at Rojo, generally on the first Tuesday of the month, aimed at film makers and film fans alike.
*an Alabama State Council on the Arts Partnership Program
Alabama Arts Alliance*
The Alliance supports and advocates for policies, practices, and partnerships that promote public awareness of and engagement in the arts through education and advocacy throughout the state.
Alabama Association of Nonprofits
The Alabama Association of Nonprofits (AAN) is a membership-based organization formed to serve the needs of Alabama’s growing nonprofit sector through professional development, advocacy, member services and capacity building.
Alabama Dance Council*
The Alabama Dance Council (ADC) is a nonprofit service organization for the Alabama dance community. The ADC’s mission is to promote the study, creation, performance and enjoyment of dance in all forms.
Alabama Designer/Craftsmen
ADC is an organization for inspiration, cooperation, and exchange of information among Alabama craftsmen and others interested in fine crafts. It encourages a wide appreciation and preservation of traditional and contemporary crafts.
Alabama Folklife Association*
The AFA documents, preserves, and promotes the folkways of Alabama by presenting and disseminating folk and traditional arts through CDs, publications, programs, exhibits, and web sites. It also provides resources to scholars, authors, artists, and educators.
Alabama Historical Commission
The Alabama Historical Commission protects, preserves, and interprets Alabama’s historic places and is the State Historic Preservation Office, providing information on preservation tools and programs, grants and tax credits, regulatory assistance, and educational opportunities.
Alabama Humanities Foundation
The Alabama Humanities Foundation supports and offers programs to foster learning, understanding and appreciation of our people, communities and cultures, including Major Grant, Mini Grant, and Media Grant initiatives.
Alabama State Council on the Arts (ASCA)
The Alabama State Council on the Arts enhances the quality of life and economic vitality for all Alabamians by providing support for the state’s diverse and rich artistic resources. The Council awards grants to organizations, schools, and a limited numbers of individual artists each year.
Alabama Writers’ Forum*
The Alabama Writers’ Forum is a statewide organization dedicated to celebrating the literary arts, literacy, educational outreach, and what’s often called the “culture of the book,” whether in bound or electronic form.
Alternate ROOTS
Alternate ROOTS is a regional artist-driven organization that serves artists, activists and community organizers based in the South. This membership organization actively addresses social and economic justice through strategic artistic development and cultural work.
DesignAlabama works to heighten awareness of the design arts across the state, developing initiatives to spotlight how the design professions help shape our environment. The organization’s purpose is not to serve designers but good design.
South Arts
South Arts supports individual artists and art service organizations throughout the southern United States, focusing primarily on professional development and increasing artist visibility. South Arts’ grant initiatives include Regional Touring, Literary Arts, and Presenter Assistance.
Southern Foodways Alliance
An institute of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi, the SFA has documented, studied, and celebrated the diverse food cultures of the changing American South since 1999. Over the last five years, the SFA has emerged as a leading content creator, the publisher of a quarterly journal, a book series, a mobile app, a podcast, and dozens of films.
*an Alabama State Council on the Arts Partnership Program