We are still riding the wave of connectivity, support, and growth after last week’s Build A Boat conference! Thank you so much to everyone who registered and participated. We love creating programs that directly impact the organizations, entrepreneurs, and creatives who make our city collaborative, innovative, and progressive.

Build A Boat is made possible thanks to the generosity of Create Birmingham’s supporters.
Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation | Alabama Power Foundation | Daniel Foundation of Alabama | Regions Foundation | Welch Group Foundation | The Ruby S. & John P. Ansley Fund | Caring Foundation of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama | Vulcan Materials Company Foundation | Protective Life Foundation | Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham | Jemison Investment Co. | BBVA | Hugh Kaul Foundation | Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust | Wells Fargo Bank | IBERIABank | First Horizon | Brooke & Daniel Coleman Charitable Fund | C. Eugene Ireland Foundation